Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Flash Gitz

I have had a bit of a painters block. But im slowly working through it. I have some undercoated things I need to paint. Once I get through apl of them I will get some new models. So keep an eye out. Merrt Christmas and a happy new year to everyone.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Demon Price

Another big shout out to my bruv in LA. This is the demon prince that came in the care package. I have made a custom base for him. I will paint him when I decide what Lore he should use. Im deciding between Nurgle and Tzeentch. Comment oj which one I should get.

Friday, 28 November 2014

More Wip Pics

I popped into our Games Workshop and grabbed a few more paints so I can do some more on fluffy. Enjoy some more pics.

Sunday, 23 November 2014


I have made a start on Fluffy the slaughterbrute.  I have put the red basecoat down and im just waiting to get a creme colour that I can use. Enjoy

Friday, 21 November 2014

More Nurgly Stuff

I have now finished painting 5 plague bearers.  Less the severed heads. Here they are for all to see.

Ps here is a pic of the Space Marine I got at my party. He is the first ever one I've painted.

Day iz back!!

In the huge care package I got. I received two rhinos which I will be converting into looted wagons. The orks force is starting to take shape.

Lord of the end times

My bruv over in LA has sent me a huge car package.  There where lots of things in it.From basing, paint and more. He is the best. One of such things in the care package was my Birthday Gift. Its Archaon lord of the end times. It too me a few hours but I managed to paint him in a day. Here he is for all you to see!!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Nurgle plague bearers Wip

Here are some progress pics of my nurgle plague bearers.

Ps its the 19th of November so happy birthday to me.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Gorebeast Chariot

I've finished painting the Gorebeast Chariot.  I am really happy with the end result.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Mother load

I just got a huge lot of warhammer on the weekend as it was my party. I also got this big gift box with it. Which I think is reall cool. I'm planning on starting a Chaos daemons army. So I started that by getting some plague bearers of nurgle. Also with the new rules I can some daemons of chaos into the battlefield. Which is cool. As I paibt I will keep you post.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

More Marauders

I am currently working on some chaos marauders for my party at the games workshop. I have finished their skin tones and im moving onyo the metals. I also have some comparison pics of marauders from the start of the year and now. I Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Quick Tip

Ok, I know it has been really quiet this month. I have been weighted down with tests and assignments. But I have managed to fit some painting in. I don't have any bugmans glow. So I mixed my own base skin tone. If you grab a pot of ceramite white and mournfang brown, mix a ratio of 1 part white to 3 parts brown and you will have a base skin tone. It might take you some tweeking but once you find the right mixture for you it will become a lot easier.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Screaming Bell

Here are some progress pics of the plague furnace/screaming bell. I have magnatised it so it can be both. Thats all that I have done for now. Lastly I finally finished the crew for the warplock cannon.  I will post some more photos soo .

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Update Pics

Ok, since the last post I have started a screaming bell (I will post some pics tomorrow) and finished the skin on my marauder horsemen and the armour base-coats. I'm planning on doing their special things next (Musicians instrument, shields, etc). My birthday is also coming up and I'm going to be getting a battalion box, so I will try and do some tutorials or something like that. Stay tune for more.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Marauder Horseman

I am trying to finish painting my army. I have nearly finished my marauder horsemen. After I hace finished them I will finiah some more skaven.  But until then I will try and post some morw photos off my marauder horsemen progress.