Friday, 18 July 2014

How to take photos of miniatures

Hi everyone, are you wondering how to take high quality photos like games workshop. Your answer is right here. You will need a few things:

White Clothe or Plain White Paper
One Box with one side cut out ( Make sure its not the bottom)
Some Lights/lamps
Camera ( I use my phone)
Your models.

In your box you need to line the edges with your paper or cloth.
Set your lights up so that they you get good even lighting. This will produce much high photos in the end.
Place your models inside, turn the lights on and snap away.

Tips and tricks
Don't be too far away from you models when you are taking photos. People like seeing your fine work up close.
If you are taking really close up photos use the macro function if your camera has one. It helps focus on objects that are close to the lens.
If you want to spice you photos up than use some dioramas they will create action in your photos.
Last but not least is to enjoy your work but remember to take a break every so often, watch some tv or even a movie. While your doing that you can charge your camera.

If you want to ask me anything please leave a comment.

Clondrah out.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Choas Lurks

These are my marauder that I am currently in the middle of painting. I decide to glue all the flails on as I found out it wasn't that hard to paint with them on. The unit has full command and has the mark of khorne. My entire army will be khorne expect for my wizards. I have nearly finished painting 6, I have to get the final details done on them (Gold plating, mark of khorne on banner and some other minor details). One I have finished this unit I will be painting my Orks. That's it for the update. Clondrah out.

Start of a journey

My first ever miniatures that I got where theses guys. The chaos knights are really cool looking and are really fun to paint. At the time I did not have many paints to work with only the paints from the high elves paint set. This guy was the first miniature that I have ever painted and although I was only just starting out I am quit happy with how he turned out. This picture is not in a very high resolution as I am still to create my shooting booth. That will be another thing to put on my to-do list. Thats all for now. Clondrah out.

Its da Orks

This is my Ork army that I have started. I got these models last week and are keen to start painting them. They have no arms on as I am giving them shootas and it is hard to paint this when they are attached. I wont be painting them for a while as I will finish my warriors of chaos models then go onto theses guys. I have chosen the bad moons clan as I like the paint job and they have lots a teef, so I can give them lots a dakka. Clondrah out.

Warriors of chaos

This is my current warriors of chaos army. It sits at 1465 points. In it I have 10 chaos knights, 1 chaos lord, 12 chaos warriors and 16 chaos marauders (They are not in this photo as they are still being painted). The the paint work has been done by me. A lot of them are 90% done and just need some fine tuning. But they will not be the best as I am still learning how to paint and will most likely to paint over them when my skills improve. Clondrah out.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Warhammer my friend

Hi and welcome to my blog. My name is Clondrah and I'm a bit of a newbie to warhammer, both fantasy and 40k. I only  started about 8 months ago. I am really excited to finish on my current models. Although I am yet to have a game. I am into warhammer fantasy and 40k, they are so cool and it is a really detailed art form. I will be posting photos of my upcoming projects and maybe some battles. I am currently collecting two armies, they are warriors of chaos and 40k Orks. My warriors of chaos army or WOC is sitting at about 1500 points, but my Ork army is only recent and contains about 200 points. I'm going to leave it there. Also the picture above is of a Chaos Knight that I have recently painted. Thank you for reading and happy wargaming.