The Chaos Legion is prparing for some well needed cavalry. I am actually painting these chaos knights in Khorne colours insteqd of just generic silver. Progress on my painting has slowed down due to me no longer having a large or standard brush and with the news of a new brush set coming out tomorrow I will hold off getting them until the new ones are out. Enjoy the pics
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Looted Wagon WIP
I have just started a new looted wagon and here is its progress so far. I will be doing this in between all my other work Inn progress things.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
More Chaos Hellbute pics
I have just finished the metal and I have to do some more detailing on the bones, flesh, red and his base. Then he will be done. Still a bit more things to do but it will be all worth it. Also I have started on some Ork Nobs and my Chaos Knights. Stay tuned for more updates.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Chaos Hellbrute
Here are some pics of my Chaos brute. I have started on the horns and bones, silver and gold trim on the armour. Still many more hours of work to go, but it will be worth it.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Carnifex Progress
I have done alot more on my carnifex and cant wait to finish him. I will need to get some more paints.
Daemon Prince Progress
My Khorne army is coming together with my finished Daemon Prince. I have a few things left to paint in my army and then I'll move onto my 40k things. Enjoy the pics.